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    • Anonymous
      Post count: 2

      Yes yes I'm on the spec, glad to have joined up and look forwards to the forum and people's input. I recently started a forum of my own, basically it's a conspiracy theory/truth seekers forum, it's not for autism nor ADHD (I have both) rather it's a view on life that is not often (or never) presented from the main stream media. It's only been up and running about a week or so, it's early days yet. http://alternativeperspec.boards.net/Anyway besides that I live with my GF and two cats, I am employed full time at a housing association, I go to the local pub about two or three time per week, that's my social interaction (and medication) I don't socialise much at work, anyhow, there's not an awful lot more to share at the moment so, if anyone wants to know anything about me they are welcome to ask. 🙂

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