Home Forums Aspergers Syndrom, recently diagonsed, daily life Pre-diagnosis financial help?

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    • Anonymous
      Post count: 2

      Hi,(note, just noticed it seems my keyboard is playing up, so if there are random letters missing, I ask for forgiveness, I'll try and correct the errors before I post this but I'll probably miss a couple )Looking for a bit of advice.My son (middle of 3 kids) is coming up 4 years old and is in the process of getting a diagnosis for autism (albeit relatively high functioning). The issues we're having is with getting any form of help while we await the long and drawn out process of getting a diagnosis (all the professionals agree he is autistic but can't can't officialy commitment until he has been through the multi-diciplinary panel)My job has recently changed and I've taken a bit of a pay hit, moneywise. My son still isn't using the toilet and has to have a nappy on 24 hours a day (quickly changing him when required as he occasionally eats his stools), he just doesn't get the concept and couldn't care less if he has a full nappy, the conept of "potty training" just doesn't register with him. He also has some issues with his feet (technical term for it which I can't remember, but basically his feet have grown at an angle that makes him walk on his inside ankle if he doesn't have his pedro boots on) - he has his pedro boots on the daytime and splints to sleep in to straighten his feet up.The two issues we are about to face are:1) Although he is small for his age, he is getting too big for store-bought nappies so specialist nappies are going to have to be ordered soon2) He can't walk very far without his legs and feet causing him discomfort, but he is starting to get too big for standard sized pushchairs so a specialist one will need to be ordered (over £250 I think)My wife was advised to apply for a community grant through the DWP but it has been declined as we are not claiming any income based benefits (even though we are currently living on the bread-line)Are there any grants/aides available for him even though he does not have the diagnosis as yet? I realise the large pushchair may be a bit of a long-shot as it's not really autism related.. but the incontinence issues seem to be related.Many thanks in advance for any responses.Regards,bm

    • Anonymous
      Post count: 2

      Many years ago my daughter was going through the same process – The family fund were able to offer help . I was also told that aspergers , which she eventually got diagnosed with , was a form of brain damage - there are many grants out there that would cover aspergers in that catogory - also did you know that if you have ever worked before , like for instance you were a teacher or worked in Railway or worked as a shop assisant there are many grants linked to your work and what you worked at that can elivate hardship - http://www.turn2us.org.uk/grants_search/search_by_topic.aspx?gclid=CPzP29Phtq8CFQITfAodDBd7jQThat site above is brillant - im at the moment trying to find a grant for my daughter . I hope that helps - sometimes grants can be available to help with heating / bills etc that will help you in the end to get through this phase.

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