Home Forums Autism Research Employability of individuals on the Autism Spectrum

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    • Kallevala
      Post count: 1

      My name is Kalle, and I am investigating the experiences of individuals on the autism spectrum who are employed, or are seeking employment now or in the future.

      This project is part of my Bachelor studies and we are interested in the views and experiences of individuals with autism, their families, researchers or service providers supporting individuals with autism, as well current employers and potential future employers of individuals with autism. Individuals on the autism spectrum disorder are often underemployed and face unique challenges when entering the workforce. It is therefore crucial to understand the conditions of the current working environment. This will enable us to support individuals with autism to have equal opportunity to access employment and facilitate their well-being and independence.

      The survey can be accessed through a following link: https://curtin.au1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_3Lh4uilXIBQyd5H

      The survey should take about 15 minutes and explores themes around employment and support services for individuals with autism. This survey is part of an international study, and we hope to understand and describe these themes as they relate to the United Kingdom. We hope to present this data at an international meeting of autism researchers and policy makers in May, and would greatly appreciate the circulation of this questionnaire as soon as it is convenient to ensure data collection is finalized by March. The Information sheet and the consent form are included in the survey link itself.

      Thank you in advance for taking the time to share this survey with your networks. I would love to be included in any mailing lists or social media groups you have related to the topic.

      Please do not hesitate to contact me or my supervisor, Dr. Chiara Horlin, if you have any questions.

      Best regards,
      Kalle Do (2148428d@student.gla.ac.uk)
      Dr Chiara Horlin (Chiara.horlin@glasgow.ac.uk)

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